Let me tell something about SEO Works:
Most of the US and North American Companies are outsourcing their BPO services and SEO services in India. For those of you firm readers who wish to improve their sites using SEO work I would just take a break from the theoretical musings, here is the few type of list of SEO tip. You may have read some or all of these tips before but here I’ll explain some of the benefits for each tip mentioned below.
1. Redesign your site once or twice a year: You’ll find bugs / errors and you’ll be able to fix them. You’ll finally be able to pluck the optimization for pages you have known could do better but for which you never found the time to do anything. Because you’ll have chance to make better your visitor experience and make your presentation more competitive with simple tools.
3. Rename the titles on your least successful pages twice or thrice a year: Titles plays an important role in SEO so keep working on better Title and change the titles & Description (if possible) that are from least successful pages.
4. Stop using keywords in your URLs : If you are not aware how to optimize a page without slamming keywords into the URLs then you also don’t know how to optimize a Web page.
5. Stop using keywords in your titles : Same thing will be applicable like the previous one.. Titles and URLs are options, in search engine optimization. Learn to understand and fully appreciate the difference between being able to do something and needing to do something.
6. Search three SEO forums for site review requests and write almost 20 reviews in each forum before you ever ask a question : It looks at someone else’s mistakes and brilliant ideas with an unemotional, critical, helpful point of view will only help improve your own self-analysis. Keep your ideas and opinions to yourself. Just share your feedback on how other people’s sites look.
7. Make your own SEO book by collecting important SEO forum and blog posts, newsletter articles, and tech: By doing so you have all your favorite advice in one easy-to-read-and-search compendium. But don’t sell it just use it.
8. Optimize best performing page for the exact mirror of your targeted keyword expression (turn an ABCD page into a DCBA page) : You can optimize a page forwards and backwards together, then you should be capable of handling anything.
9. Write 10 blocks of ad copy (no more than 25 words each) every week. Place them on the Web where they won’t offend anyone. You can never write many advertisements. Your visitors are always changing. And GOOD ad copy makes GREAT meta description tags.
10. Write a full-page announcement about your Website/Blog each week or thrica a month and post it some place where it won’t anoy anyone : You should also spend some time promoting your site/blog. Besides it, practice makes the perfect to make a better search optimizer.
11. Learn how to write. Who, What, Where, When, and Why in 4 paragraphs or less : You should never write a press release that starts out with, “James Madison Smith the Shmuck proudly announces….”
12. Create a forum signature that does not promote your Web site and then put it into every forum profile you have created : It will teach to write compelling content.
13. Design atleast 5-10 page Web site about a community project or charitable activity and then promote to number 1. Now repeat the same process without changing or building more links for your first site : It’ll never compete with anyone harder to beat than yourself.
14. Find a friend or relative who has no idea about Web sites & persuade them to make a Web site. You must restrain yourself and ONLY give advice on how to promote the site : It teaches us to be humble and appreciate the people who at least listen half the time.
15. Mention a metric that works from 4-6 factors except Google PageRank (PR), Alexa Rankings, Quant cast Rankings, Compete Rankings, and backlink counts. It will also help to understand that there is more to the Web than links as you need to be one step further of the others.
1. Know your terms
If a team is going to spend time optimizing keywords for your website then it's important that you are optimizing the “proper” keywords — those words and phrases that visitors are actually searching for and that therefore offer great amount of traffic.
Here's one example: Gupta Company Ltd. offers catalog creative services, so we might think that we would like to achieve a high ranking for the keyword phrase “catalog creative.” And truly it would be easy to spend time optimizing the site to do just that. It works, however, that our prospective customer base doesn't search for “catalog creative” but rather for “catalog design.” There is 10 times the number of daily searches for “catalog design” as there are for “catalog creative,” so spending huge time making “catalog creative” jump to the top would not yield the kind of traffic that we'd like to notice.
In many ways keywords are used like prospect lists for mailed catalogs. Few lists have large universes targeted to your audience with great rollout potential. Some files are highly targeted but have fewer names, so there is little chance to exploit them on the back end. Others have great universe sizes but are broad and untargeted. Ideally catalogers would like to mail lists that are highly targeted and offer large rollout potential. Same goes with keywords case: You're looking for targeted words that have enough traffic to be worth your optimization efforts.
2. Get to know the competition
Once you have isolated the most important terms for your site, it's critical to know where you stand with them. For this, visit to the big three search engines: Google, Yahoo!, and MSN. Enter your terms, and view where you rank, if you rank. But don't stop there.
Keep a track that who ranks number 1 through, say, number 3, and write down the top-level domain as well as the actual address of the page that ranks highest. You can use this information in the next several steps to understand why your competition is working so much better.
3 Crawl your site
You simply put a valid URL, and the tool returns a listing of content as seen by a search spider. This includes page title content, meta-tag content, internal and outgoing page links, and description. The term or terms that you're most interested in optimizing from step 1 should be prominent within the content. If they aren't, you have your work cut out for you.
4. Know your density
Keyword density is an crucial part of natural search success. There is a fine line between dense keywords (focused, meaningful, and relevant keywords used in the content throughout a page and website) and “getting you banned from search” keyword stuffing (using tiny or invisible type to load keywords into page or a website or burying irrelevant text into aweb site to artificially drive up keyword content).
SEO Chat's Keyword Density tool is great for searching your site and the competition's sites to see how they are doing on keywords. If your density is too low, you won't rank highly; if it's too high, you may get banned. A good target for keyword density is 2%-3%.
5. Adjust your content
After you've looked at the competitions and your own site for important keywords and density, you can start making adjustments to the content of your site.
This could entail using page titles more effectively, altering meta-tag keywords on a page-by-page basis, and limiting the number of meta-keywords to a more targeted and relevant set for the page you're trying to optimize. You should also enhance the content of the page and image ALT tags to contain keywords and variations that you want to rank highly and build better organization of the content to take advantage of headers and subheads within the site. Each of these techniques will promote greater keyword density and should improve your natural search rankings.
6. Manage your results
The last tool to mention here is a great one for monitoring results over time. SEO Chat has a nifty graphical report that illustrates site ranking for Google compared with Yahoo! called, appropriately, Google vs. Yahoo Search Results. With this tool you type in your keyword phrase and see the 100 top-ranking sites for each engine.
The sites listed below are not the only ones you can find on the Internet, but this list is a good place to start
When will be the next PR (Page Rank) update by Google?
Generally, Google.com takes 2-3 month to update PR Page Rank. But this duration is always not fixed. Sometimes, it is also seen that Google updated PR within a month and sometimes it takes more than 6 month.
Google : http://www.google.com/
This search engine offers categories to search for newsgroups and images in addition to broader Web searches. It also offers the option to go directly to its first match for your inquiry.
WebCrawler : http://www.webcrawler.com/
WebCrawler is less extensive in its listings and capabilities than some others, but for that reason it can be a great place for beginners to start a search.
Vivísimo : http://vivisimo.com
Vivísimo organizes search results into categories instead of one long list.
Excite! : www.excite.com
When you conduct a search on Excite! each result is accompanied by a “More Like This” option, allowing you to immediately view a list of similar Web pages.
Ask.com : http://www.ask.com/
Ask.com is easy to use, and it has a kid’s section where the user can type in a question.
AltaVista : http://www.altavista.com/
This search engine lets you phrase your search request as a question, or as a list of words.
ZapMeta : http://www.zapmeta.com
This is a meta-search engine—that is, it searches a number of other prominent search engines simultaneously.
Yahoo! : http://www.yahoo.com/
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