News are coming from Uttar Pradesh city Allahabad that a low intensity crude bomb has exploded in Kareili area killing of Allhabad city. Casualties in Allahabad bomb explosion : At least ten people died and many injured with this explosion. Allahabad Police saying that the bomb exploded in a garbage dump are of Kareili area and most of the deceased could be small chidren. It is being expected that it is a terrorist attack.
Some people are also predicting that this bomb explosion can be one of the example of fight between BSP and Samajwadi parties. Things are going worst in Uttar Pradesh after the arrival of Samajwadi Party and all the promise of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav are going inn vain.
BSP Councillor leader killed in this bomb attack so it is confirmed that this is not a terrorist attack. This is a political fight between Mayawati BSP and Mulaym Singh Yadav Samajwadi party.
Some people are also predicting that this bomb explosion can be one of the example of fight between BSP and Samajwadi parties. Things are going worst in Uttar Pradesh after the arrival of Samajwadi Party and all the promise of UP CM Akhilesh Yadav are going inn vain.
BSP Councillor leader killed in this bomb attack so it is confirmed that this is not a terrorist attack. This is a political fight between Mayawati BSP and Mulaym Singh Yadav Samajwadi party.
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